NYSMDA Student Records
For Official Transcript or Certificate copy requests, please use the (NYSMDA Transcript and Certificate Request Form) The completed form can be emailed to registrar@nysmda.com or mailed to the school via the instructions on the form.
There is a $5.00 processing fee for each official transcript or duplicate certificate requested. Money order and credit card are accepted however personal checks are not. Incomplete forms or requests missing payment information will not be processed.
Please allow 2-7 business days for processing and delivery of official documents.
For Education Verifications, please email signed release form and any other information to registrar@nysmda.com. In accordance with FERPA regulations, no education verifications can be done without signed release from the student. No verification will be done over the phone.
For all other inquiries, please reach out to the registrar’s office at registrar@nysmda.com or by calling 347-947-2404.